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Chess is a popular game of strategy between 2 players. You can learn more about the rules and history of chess here.

To make a move in the game below, click on the piece you wish to move, then click again to the square you wish to move it to. To play the black pieces, choose "swap" before the game begins, or at any other time (and the computer will play the other side automatically).

To find more advanced chess programs, please visit the Math.com store.

Next pawn becomes: Computer level:

P4wn is Javascript chess written by Douglas Bagnall. Original website can be found here: http://p4wn.sourceforge.net/.

This version is 6K engine with new graphics for better readability and respective code changes.


  • Castling is done by moving the king, rook moves automatically.
  • When swapping sides computer makes its move instantly (since it's its turn) so you may be disoriented at first and not notice it.
  • May be slow/jerky with some browsers/computers



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